Career @ Retresco

Become part of our team!

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Background career pink tail
Career graphic - several thin pink lines

You’ve probably already read one of our texts without realizing that it was automatically generated by an artificial intelligence. Because Retresco is one of the leading providers of automated text generation based on data. We stand for a passionate combination of human creativity and artificial intelligence – for customers like Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Media Markt or Commerzbank.

Our DNA is digital and we live openness, curiosity, creativity and authenticity as the core of our culture. In interdisciplinary teams you will develop innovative solutions in the areas of Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Generation. In our work we value teamwork, communication and quality. But we also empower your freedom and independence in shaping the way you work.

You want to become part of us? We are looking forward to your application!

Open Jobs


Retresco is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. All aspects of employment including the decision to hire, promote, discipline, or discharge, are decided based on qualifications, merit, and business need.

Sarah, Anja and Jette in the workshop
Photo by Ruthra und Meryem
Employees on the PC
Photo by Nastia Klein

We are very pleased about your interest in Retresco! At the same time, we are already looking forward to learning more about you! In the following we will give you an overview of our recruiting process so that you know what to expect.  

We try to keep the recruiting process as lean, transparent, and fast as possible, aiming for a period of 2 weeks from the first call to the offer. However, it can sometimes take a little longer (even though we try to stick to this schedule 😊).

Within our recruiting process, you will talk to all the people you will later work with directly. This includes your potential supervisor, your potential future team and of course the HR team. For us, it is essential that not only the "hard facts" such as your experience for the respective position are right, but also the interpersonal chemistry with your supervisor and your team.  

It is important to us that you feel comfortable in the interviews with us because we really want to get to know you and not just judge you on the basis of your CV or your references.

To start with, at Retresco we strongly believe that diversity and inclusion are the keys to a more sustainable and successful workplace for all. We pride ourselves on being an equal opportunities employer. We also value creating an inclusive environment for all employees. All aspects of employment, including hiring, promotion, discipline or leave decisions, are decided based on qualifications, performance, and business needs.

About the procedure of our application process

1. Screening Call: HR 

Duration: 30 minutes

Your documents have reached us, and you have aroused our interest! Congratulations! In the first step of our recruiting process, the HR team wants to learn more about you, your motivation, and your experience. This interview is the first step in getting to know you and answering your initial questions.  

Within two days of the screening call, we will get back to you with detailed information about the next step in the process.

2. Interview: Hiring Manger and HR

Duration: 60 minutes

The first hurdle is cleared! In the second interview you will meet the hiring Manager for the position.
The hiring manager will also be your supervisor once you have successfully gone through the recruiting process. In addition, someone from the HR team will be present - because HR will accompany you through the entire process and support you with any questions or concerns.

In this step, we will go into more detail about your technical and professional experience. You will also have the opportunity to address all your questions directly to your future supervisor. You will also receive detailed insights into the tasks for the respective position.  

Depending on the position advertised, there are two variations for the third step in our process. Both variations have the peer interview with your future team in common. For some of the open positions, such as Sales, Marketing and Development, there will also be a small task. This will also be the last step in our recruiting process. In the best case, this step will be followed by an offer from our side.

3A. Peer Interview: Team and HR

Duration: 60 minutes

In this variation of the peer interview you get to know your future team. The team is looking forward to learning more about you. And you also get the opportunity to meet your future team members in person. The aim of this interview is also to give you an insight into the day-to-day work of the team. Of course, you can also ask any questions that interest you at the project or work level.  

It is important for you to know: The team members will also have an insight into your CV during this interview.  Information such as your salary expectations, telephone number or e-mail address are of course still protected.  

If you object to the team members seeing your CV, please let us know in advance.

3B. Peer Interview and Challenge: Team and HR

Duration: 90 minutes

This step is divided into two parts: The Peer Interview and the Challenge. The peer interview will be the first part of the interview and, as in step 3A, you will have the opportunity to get to know your future team personally.  

After about 45 minutes, the challenge will begin. Your interview partners for this part will be the hiring manager, another colleague with the same position as the one advertised, and the recruiter.  

With the challenge we want to get an insight into your approach to a typical task from your daily work at Retresco. Of course, we know that you do not have all the necessary background information from Retresco, so the focus here is clearly on your approach to the challenge and not on the correctness of the solution.

You will receive the challenge via email at least two days before the interview.

4. Welcome to Retresco!

You have made it! You have mastered our process with flying colours and have convinced all interview partners. We hope that we have convinced you as well and are looking forward to welcoming you on board as a colleague at Retresco soon!  

Your HR contact will of course continue to be available to answer all your questions. If you have any open questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly by email or phone!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

You are interested? What are you waiting for!

We are eagerly awaiting your application and look forward to meeting you in person!

Contact us

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